About Us

About Us
Under the Government of Haryana, Govt. ITI Kund-Manethi was established in 1984, The ITI comes under Up gradation of 1396 Government ITIs through Public Private Partnership in March, 2010 and M/S FCS Software Solution Ltd. , Chandigarh is the Industrial Partner with the main objective of improving the quality of training and technological skills amongst young girls to empower them for gainful employment through technical & vocational education; and to enhance productivity of formal & non-formal sector of economy by having close interaction with industries. To reduce unemployment among the educated youth by equipping them for suitable employment. There are 11 trades of Engineering & Non-Engineering field, of one or two year’s duration to meet the rising demand of skilled labour, due to rapid industrialization of country.
Govt. ITI Kund-Manethi is housed in 12 acres 1 Kanal and 17 marlla of land in prime location on Narnoal Road, housing main-building, Workshop and Playground etc. Institute has all infrastructure facilities needed for overall development of skilled workers, like library, Audio Visual Aids, and I.T. lab for awareness about computer to trainees of all trades