Course Details:-
Name of the Course: Mechanic Motor Vehicle / Mechanic Motor Vehicle. Dual
Trade Course : Mechanic Motor Vehicle
Duration : 2 yr.
Skills acquired
After completion of Mech. Motor Vehicle trade course, the trainee shall be an expert in servicing, repairing and major overhauling of motor vehicle like Scooter/Motor Cycle, Cars, Trucks & Buses etc. Maintain all types of vehicles by attending to periodical maintenance work of suspensions, transmission, brakes, steering work, basic electrical and electronics work etc. Fault diagnosis in petrol/diesel engines including MPFI engine, engine fitted with turbocharger, engine scanning, car A/C system and different relay operations. Road testing of vehicle for fault finding.
Options for employment are :
In Automobile Industries he can work in assembly shop, Engine shop, Final inspection, Maintenance, Servicing and R&D Department. Work as a Mechanic in reputed workshop/Service Centre
Work as a Driver
Options for self-employment are :
Start his own workshop/Service Station
Spare Parts Shop
Tyre, Tube repair shop
Battery repair shop
Auto Electrician