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Strive Projects
- Supply Order Under Strive Project
- Procurement plan 2020-21
- Procurement plan 2021-22
- Procurement plan 2022-23
- Grievance Redressal Mechanism
- Orders for Grievance Redressal Committee
- Firm Approval BID NO-GEM/2023/B/3197474
- Firm Approval BID NO -GEM/2023/B/3199946
GEM Bidding for procurement of Tools equipment, Machinery & Furniture:-
14-Insulated wire stripper,Insula…
15-Insulated tweezers,Insulated t…
19-Hammers-IS 8411983,Hammers-IS…
22-GeM-Bidding-4496330 (1)-1-2
27-Bit Driver Set with Screw driv…
28-Bench Vise-IS 2586,Bench Vise-…
36 – E-Tender -2024_HRY_361894_1
37 – Procurement format for Q4 -Jan to March 2024
From the Desk of Principal

Government Industrial Training Institute Kund Manethi is a sure success destination for trainees who want to excel in the present industrial scenario going in the country and world wide. The trained Trainees of ITI Kund Manethi are employable and are being employed as these are trained to be industry ready or are self employed and are giving employment to other.
With a view to provide technically qualified man-power required for different industries and to be helpful to provide employment, this Institute is carrying over different Informal sector Short term courses.
More over Institute given English & Basic computer training to all trade trainees to improve their communication skill in English and learn about computer from this year. So i cordially welcome the youth and youthful to join our institute and help in the development of our nation, so we can make our nation strong and see her in the line of developed countries. I have not a slightest doubt that institute is to reduce unemployment and making the youth more employable by way of super training facilities.